Susannah Gebhardt

Susannah Gebhart owns OWL bakery: an artisan bakeshop specializing in naturally leavened breads and European-inspired pastries . She runs it “with a rigorous eye, inquisitive palate, exacting standards, and a desire to bring customers products that feed both the spirit and the body.” She lives with her dog, Frederick, in Asheville, NC.

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Often we wait for a burst of inspiration or accomplishment… Overlooked is the power of daily practice and the ordeal that involves. It’s messy. It’s hard. It takes an incredible well of stamina. Only through daily practices are we able to understand that our success comes in tiny moments that happen on a daily basis. 

Some things we talk about…

  • the grace of hard work
  • the healing power of creativity
  • failure, presence, the creative process and
  • the vulnerability of sharing

“So much of my self-expression is through my product. So when you start to lose control or something comes up and you don’t know quite how to handle it, I find that I really have to come back to centering myself and drawing on my experience, having faith in my process and being okay with learning those lessons and understanding that it’s not a reflection of my ability as a baker but that I’m in that process of becoming a better baker. ”

“The meaning is being able to create something that is more than just a product. It’s something that evokes an emotional response in other people.. It’s about making something that can turn what can be an ordinary moment into what can be extraordinary.

daphne cohn