photo by Kristin Perers

Susannah Conway

Thirteen years ago Susannah’s partner died unexpectedly of a heart attack. His sudden death threw her into a deep grief that took therapy, community, and creativity to heal. At first, writing and photography were the things that helped her stay afloat. Photography brought her into the present moment while writing helped her sort through the past ones. But eventually, photography and writing turned into a thriving online business helping thousands of women around the world feel less alone and more alive.

Susannah built her business from the ground up, organically, one step at a time, straight from the heart. She knew nothing about making or running a business. She knew only how to be herself. It turns out that’s exactly what people are looking for. Today Susannah takes pictures, writes, and teaches courses for a living including The Sacred Alone, Daily Guidance, and Journal Your Life.

She continues to make every decision from her heart and her heart continues to lead her home.

Some things we talk about…

  • how creativity carried her through her toughest loss and healed her broken heart
  • using language to change your reality and live into your biggest dreams
  • the beauty of being an introvert and the power of accepting yourself exactly as you are
  • building a successful six-figure business from the heart, one simple step at a time

“If you create because you want to express yourself, you’re in a good place. If you create because you want to impress someone, you’re screwed.”

“You just do it because you’ve got to. You’ve got to get the words out. You’ve got to take that picture. You’ve got to make that thing because otherwise, you’ll explode. That’s why we create. Because we’ve got to.”

let’s connect. 

letters from my heart about what’s on my mind. the business and the personal. 

daphne cohn