Ophelia Chong

Ophelia Chong is a photographer, graphic designer, art professor, co-founder of Asian Americans for Cannabis, co-founder of Push Mag, and the founder of StockPot Images, the first stock-photo agency specializing exclusively in cannabis-related imagery. She lives in Los Angeles with her one cat, three dogs, and four fish.

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That’s how my career came. I learned everything on my own. Watching, getting mentors. But basically trial and error.


Some things we talk about…

  • diversity
  • how Ophelia grew her business from an idea to a partnership with adobe in under two years
  • crafting your perfect job, how to set goals and
  • living a life of risk

“For me diversity is about reaching out and seeing your face, seeing your people, your tribe in whatever it is. It’s seeing you in that image.”

“Goals are great. But you have to be able to change your goals. You have to be flexible. You have to be able to take that step and think, ‘OK, the rug’s going to be pulled out of me but I’m going to get back up.'”

daphne cohn