jess scheer

i’ve never been one to pay much attention to my dreams. but these last two weeks, upon rising, i’ve been writing out everything i remember. before sleeping, i review what i wrote. watching for threads. making connections. learning a new language.

all my life there has been this world full of images and information, intuition and guidance. i didn’t know.

i only started paying attention because of my conversation with jess. jess is a business strategist who supports “indigenous leaders and earth keepers with a powerful vision for the world to bring their message to the masses.”

in this conversation, jess speak about many things. about the unshakeable stability of the inner world and our connection to all things. how she began to experience a deep peace while following what she most longed for. but more than anything i was struck by our conversation around dreams: the ones of the day from which we create new worlds and the ones of the night that guide our life direction and intuitive action.

something is changing in me because of what i learned in this one conversation with jess. it’s amazing how anything, at any time, can truly change a life.

may this conversation inspire you to go within: to the raw, wild, expanse of mystery that is 
your beating heart, vibrating body, pulsing life in order to go beyond to utter the sacred: your words, dance, painting, art.

Some things we talk about…

  • connecting to the invisible world where spirit lies

  • how to deepen the connection to your roots, deep peace and inner freedom.

  • what to do when you are being called to go against everything you know

  • the power of day dreams to create the world you want to live into 

  • how to tune into your night dreams as a source of spiritual guidance and intuitively-led action

“when you say yes to life, life will say yes to you. when you say yes to following your intuition it will mirror back and reflect that back to you. the intuition, the guidance, the quietness has always guided me on the right path.”

“our inner world, the unshakeable world, the invisible world is where spirit lies. nobody can take it away. it’s our dream space. our meditation space. when we can deepen our connection to that and find our stability in that space we can truly feel a deep sense of peace and connection.”

connect with jess scheer:
@sayyesswithjess on instagram
dream world program receive 10% off with the code BEYOND10 at checkout

connect with daphne cohn:

illumine: free sacred creativity hour. m-f. 6-7am LA| 9-10am NY| 3-4 pm Paris
{within} community for artists, makers & writers
daily postings on instagram: @daphnecohn

daphne cohn