jennifer pastiloff

when jen was eight her father died. the last words she said to him were “I hate you.” those words would haunt her well into adulthood as she found herself dropping out of NYU as an english major, working as a waitress for 14 years while “pursuing” acting and dead-end relationships, and falling deeper into depression.

the day she began taking anti-depressants was the day she began finding her way home.

she became a yoga teacher and started writing what was true. sharing all of what it means to be human: the messy, the hard, the beautiful, the magical. no shame. no apologies. just “real fucking life.”

today jen the a national bestselling author of On Being Human: a memoir of waking up, living real, and listening hard. she leads sold-out yoga-related movement and writing retreats around the world, and is the founder of the online magazine The Manifest-Station. jen has been featured on Good Morning America, New York magazine, Health magazine, CBS news, and more. she has a massive online following and is loved the world over for her raw and real telling of what it means to be human.

Some things we talk about…

  • how jen rebuilt her entire life from depressed and unhappy to wildly successful and happier (most of the time)
  • how much to share, how to bear witness, and how to just be
  • making the thing that is true to you and designing a life, and business, around who you are
  • busting through shame, giving yourself a fucking medal, and being free

I am so abso-fucking-lutely okay with saying I don’t know. I don’t know. and without a moment of I should know this, I’m going to be judged. nope. I don’t know. and that’s what’s so beautiful about being human. it’s all about the asking of the questions. it’s all about the figuring it out. it’s all about the diving in and the paying attention.”

my brand is telling the truth. my brand is real life. I have created no other brand besides that. that’s all I do. just being human. just telling the truth about who I am and what it means to be me in the world.”

let’s connect. 

letters from my heart about what’s on my mind. the business and the personal. 

daphne cohn