Flora Bowley

Flora Bowley is an artist, workshop leader, yoga teacher, healer, lifelong truth seeker and the author of Brave Intuitive Painting and Creative Revolution. Flora lives with her partner, Jonathan, his son miles, and their dog, Pearl, in Portland OR.


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It’s just a matter of practicing and showing up. The more you paint the easier it is to find your voice. The more you speak and write and talk and sing the easier it is to feel comfortable in yourself in those ways.

Some things we talk about…

  • permission, freedom, and the art of bravery
  • creating without a plan
  • moving through stuckness
  • finding your way when your way is unclear and
  • the courage to just let go, show up, and make your art

“At some point, and it may be many points, you’re going to feel frustrated, you’re not going to know what to do. It’s going to look really ugly, really awkward, really all over the place. So if we can go in with the acknowledgement and understanding that that’s part of the deal and actually it’s a really exciting part because when you get there that’s when you know you’ve been brave, you’ve been trying stuff, you’ve been out on the edge of what is known.”

“To me this idea of making something out of nothing and not having a plan going in puts you in this place that is very spiritual, very connected to something much greater than oneself.”

daphne cohn