Davin Youngs

Davin Youngs is the founder and owner of Chicago’s premier private singing studio, Davin Youngs Voice. He also founded and runs, VOXUS: teaching team building through improvised singing. He’s a professional singer who believes singing is a superpower that changes the world. He lives in Chicago.

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Getting up…and singing is one of the bravest acts you can do and the impact can change the world.

Some things we talk about…

  • how we hide behind our voice
  • how to find your authentic singing and creative voice
  • why singing can be so scary and
  • how to use your voice to change your world

“To feel like you’re making sound that travels well, that expresses your essence, your being, that has superpowers. It has magical powers. It transcends the physical. I really believe that when people experience that, when they experience their voice in this way, they feel more human and they feel more connected to the larger humanity as well as that which extends beyond humanity.

“The world is so hard sometimes. There will always be another challenge and there will always be another disappointment. In light of that we have to make ourselves known, to offer new light to a sometimes dark place.”

daphne cohn