anna lovind

anna is an edge walker. dancing with the wild. beckoning towards the unknown. digging into the unchartered to open eyes, shift sands, and create new.  she is as wise as she is brave, as honest as she is strong. anna is a writer, creativity teacher and mother. she is the author of “the creative doer” and the founder of the creative doer community and ignite.

anna writes “about writing, feminism, learning to say (holy) yes and (fuck) no, sisterhood, motherhood, and her quest to re-define the creative path.

anna is a gift of a human and it is an honor to share her with you a second time on this podcast.

may this conversation inspire you to go within: to the raw, wild, expanse of mystery that is 
your beating heart, vibrating body, pulsing life in order to go beyond to utter the sacred: your words, dance, painting, art.

Some things we talk about…

  • the healing power of honesty and the vulnerability backlash
  • going against the business advice to follow what’s true
  • how to simplify, slow down and tune in
  • prioritizing inner work in order to do the outer work
  • dealing with fear and broadening your capacity for discomfort
  • doing the work that you are here to do no matter what
“there’s a grace in allowing myself to be exactly what i am and to be seen in that. it’s also uncomfortable and scary and very tender. it’s like standing in front of people without clothes but it’s worth it. it’s the way forward.”

“i don’t have to have all the resources. i can show up with what i have and i will be met. i know that for a fact, but I forget. that’s what we do. we forget. our work is to always come back. that is the practice. the lifelong practice is always to come back. it doesn’t matter that we get lost as long as we come back.”

connect with anna lovind:

connect with daphne cohn:

illumine: free sacred creativity hour. m-f. 6-7am LA| 9-10am NY| 2-3pm London
{within} community for artists, makers & writers
instagram: @daphnecohn

daphne cohn