andrea scher

andrea is a wonder seeker.

she looks for it in the easy moments – a kiss, friends gathered together, traveling to other countries. and she looks for it in the hard moments – beset by anxiety, in the midst of divorce, struggling to stay afloat.

we talk about this – about turning towards the hard, making space for the all of it, in order to give wonder the breath and space to arise.

wonder is a habit, a skill, just like eating well, exercising, meditation or any other tool you use to stay sane and find your equilibrium. just like with any habit, it helps to have specific ways of cultivating it. in wonder seeker, andrea’s newest book, she offers 52 ways to discover wonder.

andrea is an artist, author and “a big believer in the transformative power of creativity.” she’s a photographer, author of an award-winning blog and several books including her latest one, “wonder seeker: 52 ways to wake up your creativity and find your joy,” teaches ecourses and retreats, and hosts the creative superheroes podcast.

may this conversation inspire you to go within: to the raw, wild, expanse of mystery that is 
your beating heart, vibrating body, pulsing life in order to go beyond to utter the sacred: your words, dance, painting, art.

Some things we talk about…

  • what is a wonder seeker?

  • how wonder has helped andrea work with anxiety and panic disorder

  • turning towards the hard to encourage the joy

  • how one guerrilla act of activism–done in wonder and play–went viral and changed the conversation

  • proof of how powerful we are

“joy is hard-won. authentic joy comes from tending to our spirit in a really intimate way.”

“i feel safer among people who are not pretending. that’s how i learn. i learn from people telling me the truth about their life and their real stories.”

connect with andrea scher:

connect with daphne cohn:

illumine: free sacred creativity hour. m-f. 6-7am LA| 9-10am NY| 3-4 pm Paris
{within} community for artists, makers & writers
daily postings on instagram: @daphnecohn

let’s connect.

letters from my heart about what’s on my mind. the business and the personal.

daphne cohn