i teach body:
connection to, wisdom from, intimacy with.

we are more than the thoughts in our head and the stories we tell. we are of this earth. we belong to the all of life. we are bigger than we can imagine. and we are always home.

but it’s hard to remember that caught in our heads in a head-centered world.

body is the moment unfolding. the pulsating present. the portal into buried knowings held by ancestors, stored in soil, passed through lineages, whispered on wind.

the mind is stunning. capable of incredible innovations, imaginings, wonder.

but it is through body that we birth: babies, beginnings, breath. it is through body that we taste skin, touch sky, sing song, hear heartbeat, see sunlight.

if you want to know your voice, you have to talk body.

if you want to live true, you must inhabit all of you.

“you only have one life. let it be embodied.”

– philip shepherd

i am daphne.

zen master dogen said enlightenment is to be intimate with all things.

to feel the breeze in your bones, to know the ocean on your tongue, to touch another’s heart through your own.

to be guided not by past but by present. to let go into life and be carried by its generosity, beauty, wisdom.

this is my devotion. to drop into core, to come back to my root.

through breath and body, meditation and movement, writing and witnessing.

i teach what i learn and i learn what i teach.

i show up as i am – awkward, learning, soft, strong, wise, scared, honest. and i offer you all that i have gathered in the hopes that together, we move towards “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

learn more about me here.

i teach body:
connection to, wisdom from, intimacy with.

we are more than the thoughts in our head and the stories we tell. we are of this earth. we belong to the all of life. we are bigger than we can imagine. and we are always home.

but it’s hard to remember that caught in our heads in a head-centered world.

body is the moment unfolding. the pulsating present. the portal into buried knowings held by ancestors, stored in soil, passed through lineages, whispered on wind.

the mind is stunning. capable of incredible innovations, imaginings, wonder.

but it is through body that we birth: babies, beginnings, breath. it is through body that we taste skin, touch sky, sing song, hear heartbeat, see sunlight.

if you want to know your voice, you have to talk body.

if you want to live true, you must inhabit all of you.

“you only have one life. let it be embodied.”  – philip shepherd

i am daphne.

zen master dogen said enlightenment is to be intimate with all things.

to feel the breeze in your bones, to know the ocean on your tongue, to touch another’s heart through your own.

to be guided not by past but by present. to let go into life and be carried by its generosity, beauty, wisdom.

this is my devotion. to drop into core, to come back to my root.

through breath and body, meditation and movement, writing and witnessing.

i teach what i learn and i learn what i teach.

i show up as i am – awkward, learning, soft, strong, wise, scared, honest. and i offer you all that i have gathered in the hopes that together, we move towards “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

learn more about me here.

“Your story and how you share it is absolutely beautiful, Daphne. So real, so sacred, so transparent.” – julie l.

“I love your writing. I can “feel” your voice resonating with my whole body and heart.” – antje s.

“I look forward to my mail, you have become one of my “windows” open to the world.” – geraldine h.

“It is really wonderful to read your writing when it appears in my inbox, thank you for sharing it.” – emma f.

“I’ve been reading you and I thank you for sharing your words… they always help me move in the ‘right’ direction or inspire me to be a little more like ‘me’❤️ (My true me)” – isabelle  l.

“Thank you for sharing Daphne. You are inspiring others. You are inspiring me.” – suzanne j.

“I love your writings. I feel so connected to your words. Kinda like you are speaking for me. Thank you dear one. love,” – sheril m.

daphne cohn